Friday, May 05, 2006

...cut us, right in two... human deadline...

Fifth Seal - El Greco.
I can't wonder anymore about human cruelty... ...what to do when I'm sleep and still million hundreds crawl over the ground looking for a warm cozy grave... These are the words being spoken...
Right in two
10 000 days

Angels on the sideline puzzled and amused why did Father give these humans free will? now they're all confused
Don't these talking monkeys know that Eden has enough to go around? plenty in this holy garden, silly old monkeys well there's one you're bound to divide it right in two
Angels on the sideline baffled and confused father blessed them all with reason... and this is what
they choose, monkey killing monkey killing monkey over pieces of the ground...
Silly monkeys given thumbs they forge a blade and then there’s one bound to divide it...
right in two...
right in two...
Monkey killing monkey killing monkey over pieces of the ground...
silly monkeys give them thumbs
they make a club and beat their brother down
how they survive so misguided is a mystery... repugnant, is the creature who would squander the ability, to lift an eye to heaven, conscience of his fleeting time here.
...brothers sleep inside here...
cut it all right in two
cut it all right in two
cut it all right in two
cut it all right in two
Fight over the clouds, over wind, over sky fight over life, over blood, over air fight over love, over sun, over another fight each other, over...
Angels on the sideline again been so long with patience and reason angels on the sideline again wondering when this tug of war will end...
cut it all right in two
cut it all right in two
cut it all right in two
right in two
right in two

1 comment:

Mme. Carroll said...

10 000 days es justo lo que esperaba. Nunca me han decepcionado como banda. Maynard sí, cuando a perfect circle pero como Tool no hay ni habrá igual. Son excelentes músicos y muy bien hechos en todo, desde el simple album art (y ni tan simple) hasta el tan devaluado bajo - porque todos aman las guitarras, como si sólo de ellas dependiera el metal. Muy buenos gustos. Este blog va por el buen camino.