Tuesday, March 28, 2006
...running from the ether...
Conforme el tiempo nos agrede y la necesidad por adelantar, detener, transformar y corregir vivencias nos acecha, el vértigo por irnos hundiendo en el vacío etéreo nos da sucesos cálidos y hermosos dignos de perderlos en el olvido.

"I've seen things you people wouldn't believe. Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion. I watched C-beams glitter in the dark near the Tannhauser Gate. All those... moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain. Time to die."
Roy Batty.
-Blade Runner-
Ridley Scott, Hampton Fancher. 1982.
-Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?-
Philip K. Dick, David Peoples, 1982.
Friday, March 24, 2006
Anamorphosis Architects... (spatial-psychoanalytic design)

Spatial Dialectics at the edge of town
Urban proposal for the Entrance of the City of Neuchatel Serries, Switzerland (competition entry) 1996.

The museum of the Hellenic World, Athens, Greece.
El método de diseño de Anamorphosis está basada en la investigación de spatio-psychoanalytic de Nikos Georgiadis . Esta investigación se relaciona con el acercamiento sintomático espacial de la teoría Lacaniana de psicoanálisis; esta explora la dimensión psicoanalítica de la experiancia arquitectónica y de diseño, así como la pregunta sobre la remodificación de espacio/arquitectónico del psicoanálisis.
The design method of Anamorphosis is based on Nikos Georgiadis spatio-psychoanalytic research. This research inolves a symptomatic spatial approach of the Lacanian theory of psychoanalysis; it explores the psychoanalytic dimension of architectural experience and design, as well as the question of architectural/spatial remodification of psychoanalysis.
Wednesday, March 22, 2006
"...Una línea que crea siluetas continuas, que las enegrece y las activa. Difusa sensación de que el tiempo se acelera y no termina, que nos movemos, que nos movemos y todos tememos a Satán... estupefactos con auras multicolores y tornasoles medusientos... todos sobresaturados, 28 cuerdas y la resonancia se multiplica... se extiende y nos adormece... nos tortura... nos engrandece... nunca termina... el delay persiste... por siempre incrementándose, por una vez, por una vez nos imagina..."
http://youtube.com/watch?v=4jrR1X3pLsM (Video link)
Sunday, March 12, 2006

Escucha lo que susurran detrás de tus oídos... piensa que te alcanzan los lamentos, que las hadas te acompañan... que la penumbra por fin te cubre.
Attrition... Gothic, Industrial, Classical...

(Track List)
...The unknownn...
Sinapsial pure dementia... Like flooding trance...
Alternative / Trip Hop / Down-tempo
Thursday, March 09, 2006

"...people of similar nature, on the other hand, come to feel a kind of general agreement; and if they are cast very much in the

Artur Schopenhauer.
Tuesday, March 07, 2006
Algebraic Topology...

MAT 539
THE DIAGRAM DEBATE, or the Schizoid Architect...
It is in the fundamental works of philosophers like Michel Foucault, Félix Guattari and Gilles Deleuze that one should seek the theoretical reason for the use of diagrams in design work in architecture. In the first chapter of Capital and Schizophrenia,2 a text that architects have more or less forgotten or suppressed, Deleuze and Guattari write, ' Capital is indeed the body without organs of the capitalist, or rather of the capitalist being. But as such, it is not only the fluid and petrified substance of money, for it will give to the sterility of money the form whereby money produces money. It produces surplus value, just as the body without organs reproduces itself, puts forth shoots, and branches out to the farthest corners of the universe... (more)
It is in the fundamental works of philosophers like Michel Foucault, Félix Guattari and Gilles Deleuze that one should seek the theoretical reason for the use of diagrams in design work in architecture. In the first chapter of Capital and Schizophrenia,2 a text that architects have more or less forgotten or suppressed, Deleuze and Guattari write, ' Capital is indeed the body without organs of the capitalist, or rather of the capitalist being. But as such, it is not only the fluid and petrified substance of money, for it will give to the sterility of money the form whereby money produces money. It produces surplus value, just as the body without organs reproduces itself, puts forth shoots, and branches out to the farthest corners of the universe... (more)

Artist Space...
A special community where the sublimation of inner beings is done... ...get hazed and confuse with the complexity of human thought...

Paul Henry Ramirez
Untitled from the Space Addiction series, 2003
Pigmented Ink Jet Print
32 1/2 x 25 inches
Edition of 30
" Edition printed by Universal Limited Art Editions (ULAE)
Courtesy of the artist and Caren Golden Fine Art, New York"
Untitled from the Space Addiction series, 2003
Pigmented Ink Jet Print
32 1/2 x 25 inches
Edition of 30
" Edition printed by Universal Limited Art Editions (ULAE)
Courtesy of the artist and Caren Golden Fine Art, New York"
...Cartel : experimentos y modificaciones de la psique...
Wednesday, March 01, 2006

"...Salgo… ... abrí la puerta, dos pasos, estoy afuera. Siento de un momento a otro la llegada del entorno, el mundo abierto, el interior desierto. Siento el aparecer del cielo al levantarse mí cabeza, el portal de nubes que se extiende, que me busca en algodón arrastrándose para que lo vea, la tranquilidad llega, me espía desde una orilla, antes de donde el viento gira, se esconde detrás de mí oreja y a mí mejilla llega. De donde ha venido, a buscarme, a acompañarme, será entretenida por abrazarme tan tierna..."
...endlessly... ...endlessly... ...endlessly...
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