Monday, November 28, 2005

Friday, November 25, 2005
Mordecai... Between the Buried and Me....

Asleep mid-sentence- the words fell apart.
No one is listening anyway.
This day will soon turn black
and my "wants and needs" will spill on me burning ashes.
I learned to be selfish today...
I learned to be alive.
These things I care for are for my personal gain
my personal happiness only.
Why should I sit in your chairs and satisfy your standards.
I've done it all before and I've confused myself a thousand times.
The tragic day that I call morality just doesn't do it for me anymore.
The day will turn black and I will have either lived or died.
Asleep mid-sentence- my words fall to the ground.
Swept into this dreamland.
Economic satisfaction.
Never succeed.
But happiness has its place.
Justice will not lie in your corner.
Throw myself in the corner
We have nothing to complain about here.
Tragic day seems too peaceful to most,
spoiled ambitions turned my heart to black, black.
Living dreams, loving dreams,
awakening to what I've always dreamt of.
Living dreams, loving dreams,
awakening to what I've always dreamt of.
The familliar sound, the familliar sound of the lovely love
from the love of my life will keep the notes coming.
From the reciting of the show, from the plip and shevanel,
from the grind that annoys, and the sarcasm they all hate...
Get Mordecai by Between the Buried and Me and dance till the end...
Tuesday, November 22, 2005
...Rutilo... a dónde vas...? (eulogy)

...Rutilo Melgarejo Valdi... (4 de junio de 1905 - 22 de noviembre 2005) ... no será solo un siglo... será siempre.
Thursday, November 17, 2005
...ya no estás.

"...Se me apetece ignorarte, hacer segunda a la sensación que me satura, recobro la conciencia, comprendo la diferencia entre amar y odiar… recuerdo que he dejado atrás el sentir y ahora solo replanteo un par de sentimientos. Extraño el ser como antes, viva y constante en el deseo, ahora plazco mi regazo con la esperanza del morir pronto… algún día muy temprano.
Sé que hay más allá del abrazar tú cuerpo rodeando el mío… sé que es pronto para encontrarme con lo que todo el tiempo me tienta. Tú presencia aún me envuelve, me calienta, me compensa el sollozo nocturno y diario, infinito… y ahora… lo niego. Detengo ese abrazo sincero, esa nervadura que se extiende constante y me consuela. Quiero perderte… quiero leer de nuevo todas las cartas que bajo mi mano se encuentran, las sé de memoria, lo sé…………………. Quiero tenerte, quiero aventarte, quiero ver como te erizas, como sin apoyo alguno te levantas, quiero herirte… hacer de ti una negación… …quiero recuperarte… pero no estás… no estás, desde hace ya tiempo… ya no estás...."
Acantilado, 2005.
Sunday, November 13, 2005
...question of... this day...
Friday, November 11, 2005
Thursday, November 10, 2005

Once you tried to call loud divinity,
screaming, fighting against it...
But it was just a long goodbye.
From the woods mirror ghosts define curvelinearity,
to join crowd,
to give an end... to this silly calm.
try to reach another,
it will last forever my brother,
it's the peace,
the last flush...
...to the long away.
Not everything is a lie,
not everything leads to turn off the light,
to avoid and hate.
Pray for the storm again,
rise your hads to the filthy sky,
and drain the illness,
drag it from the cracked shell.
And it will give up...
and people will give up...
everything will be gone...
no more stand and still...
...no more looking down,
no more empty feels.
Tuesday, November 08, 2005

abarcarme entre mil brazos,
ser simple, bienvenido y absorto...
...hecho de distancia y pedazos.
Comportarme como agonía,
enrrollarme hecho cerezas.
Partiré de los corazones,
en escenas que diviso,
aprenderé de las luciérnagas
que en las ciénagas cuentan tu historia.
Abriré entre páginas un vertir constante,
para que revolotee...
...se haga presente,
el final que te pertenece.